Frank: A Musical Journey


The Las Vegas Sun posted their rundown of the spectacular musical celebrations planned for my city to bring in 2014 and the headline brought a smile to my face as it featured today’s pop stars Pitbull, Rihanna, glam metal band Poison and, wait for it, Sinatra. (...)
Hoboken, Frank Sinatra’s hometown, had a party for what would have been his 98th birthday December 12, 2013. (...)
I am blessed to be able to do what I do for a living. Entertainers can’t entertain without the fans and that’s one of the reasons I make it a point to give something back whenever I am able, as so many performers did recently at a fundraiser put on by The Showbiz Society for fellow performer, Denise Clemente. (...)
When you have the Great American Songbook to pick from, selecting the numbers in a Las Vegas show can become a daunting task, but there is one song, the one in which I chose to open Frank… A Life in Song, that stands out from the rest for me. (...)
I was recently asked, “What are you most thankful for?” My response was, “health.” (...)
While reminiscing past gigs, I thought of where I was about a decade ago... (...)
How was your Halloween or Día de los muertos? (...)