Frank: A Musical Journey


It was sad, in a nostalgic sort of way, to see another Las Vegas Strip icon close its doors for good this week after 60 years of being one of the city’s historic jewels – the Riviera Hotel and Casino. (...)
True genius transcends age, genre, gender, race, and even language. It doesn’t matter that Picasso painted differently; Beethoven worked his later years deaf; Georgia O’Keeffe was a woman; Frank Sinatra was from Italian parents; or Hank Williams sang country – talented artists will be recognized and appreciated across the world, without the limiting presence of prejudice. (...)
In my line of work, it’s a good thing I love to travel. There’s a certain almost-inexplicable excitement that shoots through me when I arrive in a new city, a cresting of anticipation that never fails to imprint a smile upon my face as my latest adventure begins. It’s a hobby of sorts to learn as much as I can about admired celebrities then apply that knowledge to seek out their favorite landmarks in a particular city. Today I plan to take you through some of the Chairman of the Board’s New York haunts. (...)
A trio of organizers, including Robert De Niro, formed the Tribeca Film Festival in 2002 as a rallying response to the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. The festival has been a smash hit, now drawing 3 million people to celebrate film in the great New York, New York. This year’s festival runs from April 15th to the 26th and, like so many across the world, is honoring the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s birthday. (...)
Pair your favorite artist with your favorite song and you may come up with the perfect match – song covers are a huge part of music and most singers will give their own spin to another recording at some point in their career. Sometimes the result is magical, better than the original, but once in a while the endeavor can turn out to be a bit strange or even a complete disaster. “The Voice” was not immune to this. (...)
The most exciting thing about Frank Sinatra’s 100th Birthday year, besides all the deserved recognition and attention from baby boomers to millennials, is the new information that is rising to the top of the entertainment news stories for everyone to see. One of my favorites involves how the Chairman of the Board was a part of establishing one of the most iconic movie characters of all-time and Clint Eastwood’s most memorable role – “Dirty Harry.” (...)
Clowns are an intriguing part of the entertainment industry to say the least. There really doesn’t seem to be anything quite as polarizing – people either absolutely love them or hate/fear them with equal vigor – and my knowledge of this, combined with my own experiences as an entertainer, give me a huge appreciation for their craft. (...)
It’s March and the celebrations and commemorations for Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday are accelerating toward a full, swinging party that may never stop and I am happy to be busy doing the same with my own Las Vegas shows that pay tribute to the man known simply as, “The Voice.” (...)
Talk about a venue rich in inspiration, history and tradition – Sun City Shadow Hills is my kind of place to entertain with a production of my Las Vegas show, Drinkin’ – Singin’ – Swingin’! (...)