Frank: A Musical Journey


I’m on the road again, getting ready to take the stage in Orlando, Florida for a performance of Sinatra Forever, my Las Vegas show that’s been receiving rave reviews all year as we continue to celebrate 100 years of Sinatra. Right after this show, I have to reluctantly leave “The City Beautiful” and head to another historic entertainment gem, “Music City.” (...)
There are many reasons for burying a memento with someone after they pass: they may have requested it; it could be something innately connected with them; it could even be for superstitious or religious reasons. Each reason is unique and personal. Here are a few Rat Packers and the items that went to the great beyond with them. (...)
When you’re talking about someone, “idol” is a strong word to use. Saying, “I liked him,” “I looked up to him,” or even, “he was my favorite,” is a great compliment, but when a person says, Frank Sinatra “was my idol,” that’s significant. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some pretty famous individuals who have said just that. (...)
Movie soundtracks seem almost as important as the movies themselves in some cases and there’s no denying how critical the selected music is both to set mood and as a revenue stream. The relevance of Frank Sinatra’s music is evident as he continues to set the scene in big box-office blockbusters today. (...)
Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday year celebrations are continuing in full swing, as are my performances to honor The Chairman of the Board, and September 17th and 18th are very special dates because it will be the return of my Las Vegas show, Sinatra Forever, to the very place of its birth – Costa Rica. (...)
It was fifty years ago this past June that one of the best concerts in history took place and it was in St. Louis, Missouri. The event featured the Rat Pack at its most powerful, but it wasn’t just their presence that made the show so special, but everything that surrounded that 1965 summer’s eve, which happened to be Father’s Day and Tina Sinatra’s birthday too. (...)
I was on Facebook playing Song Pop – you need to be careful with these online games, they can become addictive and lead to a real reduction in productivity, but since it’s music related, I can call it research – and I saw the “free” playlist for the week featured the heavy metal band Disturbed, but it was the logo beside the band name that caught my attention, it said “Sponsored by Reprise Records,” and that immediately made me smile as I realized the often-unlikely connection between so many artists today and Frank Sinatra. (...)
Anyone tired of the election talk yet? With the election jostling already approaching full swing, it seems appropriate to talk about Frank Sinatra’s political ties, of which there are many because with the type of popular power Ol’ Blue Eyes wielded, it was definitely beneficial for a presidential candidate to get him on their side. (...)
As I mentioned when I wrote about Frank Sinatra’s version of the hit song, “Mrs. Robinson”, a cover can be incredible because of the potential of bringing together a favorite song with a beloved artist. It can be fun to hear some songs performed by The Voice that weren’t at all meant for a big band arrangement – some results are magical, others can leave you asking, “Why did they think that was a good idea?” Then there are some that you don’t think have a chance at sounding good, only to prove your misconceptions premature. Jim Croce’s “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” falls into the latter category. (...)