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Three Practices of Successful Performers

Three Practices of Successful Performers


What does it take to go down in history as one of the most famous performers in the world? Chances are, Frank Sinatra could not imagine the scope of his celebrity when he was getting his start, performing on stages in Hoboken, New Jersey.


Many performers come from humble roots, with little career support to help them pave their way into the entertainment industry. For example, modern actresses and singers like Jessica Rose and Greyson Chance got their start through modest YouTube channels and video postings. American Idol is providing a stage for undiscovered talent, like Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken, and many others. Take a look at these three traits that many of these performers bring to their work, helping them ascend into the limelight.


1. Organization


This doesn't sound very glamorous, but organizing audition dates, arriving promptly for gig rehearsals, and planning one's marketing strategy are very important while building and maintaining a rapport as a stellar performer. Entertainers who rely on their gigs and performance business for income should hire a tax preparation expert, to make sure that they are paying taxes correctly.


2. Community awareness


Subscribe to local news, network with other performers, and understand the pulse of the entertainment industry. Networking can provide some of the most valuable resources in one's career - partnerships, new gigs, tools, and supporters can spring out of new connections. For example, Dean Martin wouldn't have broken into stage performance if he hadn't collaborated with the Ernie McKay Orchestra.


3. Audience focus


Understanding the facial expressions, timing cues, and body language that appeal to audiences can be intensely challenging. Knowing the layout of a stage is critical. A performer should know where they will walk, act, and stand in front of an audience and what the lighting will be like. One of the most magical moments as an audience member is feeling like the entertainer is looking directly at you and performing just for you. Performance instruction on these topics may be found in Rick Michel's book, Live on Stage, with decades of career stories and advice to help upcoming performers hone their skill.